How to Walk (Extremely Difficult)

Step 1: Keep your back straight and your head held high.

walk like this

Good walking posture will help you avoid injury and walk for longer. When you start walking, stand up straight, and look about 15 ft (4.6 m) in front of you. Keep your chin parallel to the ground, and move your shoulders naturally as you swing your arms.

Step 2: Walk heel to toe.

heels and toes

When walking, you should step forward with your foot. Let your heel land on the ground in front of you. Then, roll your foot forward, transferring your weight to the ball of your foot. With your other foot, raise your heel, push your foot off the ground with your big toe, and repeat the first process.

Step 3: Avoid hyperextending your knee:

do not do this to your knee

Hyperextending your knee means moving your knee backwards slightly when standing or walking. Some people may have a natural tendency to hyperextend their knees, but hyperextending your knee can cause increased stress to your joints. When walking, be conscious of your knees to avoid hyperextending them.

Step 4: Take quick, not long, strides.

walk about this fast

When most people think of walking quickly, they often imagine themselves stepping in long strides. However, taking too long of a stride can hurt your lower back over time. Instead, take small, quick steps to pick up the pace.

Extra tips (if you're feeling a bit scared by this daunting task):

WikiHow: How to Walk Correctly & Fix Your Walking Form Minecraft by C418